Monday, January 12, 2015

What experts say I

Even when we realise, that discrimination of women is a very big problem, there are countries that do not. Countries like U.S, Canada, European countries, which have resources to fight against it. By resources I mean money, media that show what it really does and what is happening throughout the world. Countries like Cambodia, Kenya, or just basically most of the African countries do not even understand the concept of discrimination, although it is happening around them, too. Discrimination comes in very many different ways in different countries. For example in Turkey, if a woman is abused, there are no shelters or help for women in these dangerous circumstances. In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to drive. Yemeni women are some of the least empowered women in the world. In the parts of Middle East "honour killings" are still practised. These killings can be brought on by women engaging homosexual acts or sexual ate outside of marriage, or even dressing provocatively. If we would go to Middle East, we would only see women dressed in black habits, so they does not show any part of their body. These are some examples of what is happening, which is not okay, so we definitely have something to think about.

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