Monday, January 19, 2015

Other Issues In Media and Society

The blogs I visited are very similar to mine and those are the topics I basically find interesting, too. The first blog I visited was about how are women portrayed in the media and it is connected with my topic which remains discrimination of women. The blog is interesting and has different articles with a lot of useful information.

The second blog I am suggesting you to read is this one about how women don't ever feel good about themselves and media basically lowers their self-esteem by putting only skinny models in their commercials and advertisements, so they try to be like them, which can lead to either health of psychic problems.

The third one is about cyberbullying and ways that people cyberbully other people, which can be useful for any one os us, because I think it is a very serious problem nowadays.

The next one is Veronika's blog which explains us the real versus media beauty of things over all. She gives an example of two girls, that never knew about each other, but had the same problem which was anorexia and bulimia. They got together, got well and healthy and founded an organiśation that is helping young girls go through the same problem, and it is really inspiring.

The last blog I recommend you to visit is this one about how media are reflecting on our generation of children and all the negatives that can go from this.

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